K64 Circular industries

The Helguvík-Bergvík area is a strategically located industrial area next to the deep sea Port of Helguvík and Keflavik Airport. The area is well served with roads and within short distance of the main highway between the Keflavik Airport area and Reykjavik Capital Area.

The Helguvík-Bergvík Framework Plan is a collaborative initiative between Kadeco and the municipalities of Reykjanesbær and Suðurnesjabær, aiming to foster economic growth through the development of an Eco-industrial Park in the Helguvík-Bergvík site.

The Framework Plan is the result of a comprehensive analysis of development drivers, spatial characteristics, potential industry profiles and energy strategies, in addition to invaluable inputs from various stakeholders. The four main chapters of the report can be found below:

The Vision chapter outlines the contextual potentials of the site, its alignment with the Keflavík Airport area Masterplan’s goals, and the priorities and objectives of the HB Framework Plan.

Drivers of Development
The Drivers of Development chapter identifies key spatial elements, economically and ecologically viable industrial sectors, and energy strategies aligned with sustainability goals.​

Framework Plan
The Framework Plan chapter outlines the main spatial principles, circularity strategy, potential programs, and a 25-year development timeline, based on extensive studies and stakeholder discussions.​

The Implementation chapter provides urban design guidelines and recommendations for local planning, facilitating the practical application and implementation of the HB Framework Plan.

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Available Lots

The available property is state-owned lots leased for a period of 50 years. The annual rent is the higher of the following: either 2% of the lot’s assessed value for industrial lots, 1.5% of the lot's assessed value for residential lots, or ISK 131.5 per square meter according to the construction costs index as of December 2023.

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